Lip Fillers

Restores lost volumness from the lips, lip fillers can be used for different reasons either as treatment or as an aesthetic preference. Lip fillers soften and enhance lips making them look more smoother and plumper as well as perfectly defined. It is also used for treating aging lines on the lips, shaping and defining the border of the lips as well as improving the lip’s symmetry.

Lip fillers are semi-permanent and are injected into the lips that have lost their volume, shape or elasticity. Results are usually achieved in one session but some patients may need a second session to completely reach their desired goal. It can also be done in no time during a busy day’s schedule.

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How it works

Purified neurotoxic protein pinning the nerves in charge of muscle movement. In that process it prevents the nerves from triggering muscle movements by basically freezing them from sending movement signals.

Muscles therefore, as a result become relaxed and wrinkles/fine lines are no longer created. This then finally after treatment results in a smoother younger looking skin in an instant.

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